Monday, March 28, 2011

Say sorry.

Dear people of Australia,

After the treatment of the Aboriginols, we believe that it is time you said sorry for what occured, that only really ceased a few years ago. We realise that at the time of your arival in the land, the Aboriginols must have seemed like aleans to you. And we realise that when you saw the Aboriginols ways, you might have thought that they needed help. They didn't have the same technology as you, or the same anything really. But they had a culture of their own, just like you had your culture. What my people do not understand, is why you don't understand that. Does the fact that you wear clothes and have guns make your culture better? I wonder if it ever occured to you, when you people first arrived in Australia, that perhaps the Aboriginols were happy with their ways and culture. Sure, they didn't have grand cities like you did back in England, but the fact they were living and prospering in that harsh land is enough to compensate for that. You didn't have to try and teach them your way was The way. You and the Aboriginols could have lived together in harmony without needing to have any conflict. But, I suppose thats all behind us now, so what we need you to do is simply say sorry, for what you did. Be warned, this is harder than it sounds. You have to mean it. You have to show some empathy, and admit what you have done, and admit that it was not a good thing to do. You have to realise that you almost destroyed a whole culture, and believe it or not, thats not a good thing. Once you have done that, you need to keep doing it and show that you are all equal in your day to day life. Things like, not treating Aboriginols like dirt, and not having Aboriginol slaves, and letting Aboriginols do whatever you do, weather it be managing a bank, being a supermarket cashier or being Prime Minister. So in a nutshell, this is just one groups plea to ask you to say sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like your concluding sentence. Very creative, and I really like your word choice. I agree with what you have said and I think that your idea on how the Australian Government should apologize is very thoughtful and very well written.

Great Job Daniel! :D