Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What blogging is supposed to be.

Blogging is supposed to be for all audiences. Blogging, is supposed to be very general. Blogging, is supposed to not let any information about your self out. Blogging... Is dangerous. I am not saying it's bad, just that it can be used as a weapon. Which is why you should always be protective of your information because you never know who might be looking. When you blog, you can't say stuff like, "Hey dude, 'sup? LOL, u should go into text speak class!" because anyone is looking. I like to keep it formal as if to a teacher, but not too formal and not too serious. You are not supposed to make it look like a killing machine. Blogging is not a form of email site like Hot mail or Gmail. You can't, when adding a comment, say, "hi, do you want to go to the movies." So when you are happely writing where you live and what your last name is, remember. Blogging... is dangorious.

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